Rated 8/10 1
Clarifying Daily Shampoo

Clarifying Daily Shampoo 1000ml - 34 fl oz


Hair Extensions Shampoo with a special active formula for gentle cleansing (SLES and paraben free). It gives elasticity and suppleness to hair extensions. Moisturizes and restores a healthy appearance of the hair, helps eliminate dandruff and regulates sebum production.
Contains: Vitamin F, provitamin B5.

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Delivery time: 48/72 h in EU countries.*
Return condition is always applicable for products in good condition. Read all terms and conditions.

*The actual delivery time is subject to the times of the logistics company used.

The HAIR EXTENSIONS CARE line from Seiseta is composed by highly professional shampoo and mask, designed to guarantee and maximize best performances for great result. These shampoo and mask are made with precious ingredients of certified origins that helps restore the fragility and dehydration of the hair, giving new strength and shine to the hair extensions with a sweet oriental scent.

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