Over 40 years of experience in Hair Extensions


As a leader in the Hair Extensions market, SEISETA is unique in combining tradition, innovation and 40 years of family manufacturing experience. SEISETA is a company that looks to the future with the eyes of the past, always one step ahead of the trends and innovations of the industry.

SEISETA pays attention to the continuous training of its team and today has over 50 highly qualified employees specialized in the production of hair extensions. Particular attention is paid to the search for modern and innovative technologies for unique solutions in terms of reliability and quality.

The dynamic company, which is constantly evolving, is present in 40 countries around the world.

The headquarters are located in Italy, more precisely in Campania, but SEISETA has an effective and efficient presence thanks to the branches in the USA and Germany, which allows the company to grow rapidly and make it one of the leaders in the field of hair extensions at a global level.




Luciano Di Biase

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