SEISETA for professionals

Would you like to become a SEISETA partner?


According to your type of business as hairstylist or wholesaler SEISETA may assist you with the following services:

EXPERIENCE AND PROFESSIONALISM: production and distribution of hair extensions in many systems of natural hair.

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING: different quality of hair available on the market, on most popular hair application techniques and the proper hair care and maintenance.

MARKETING: global presence making us leaders in communication and promotion of hair extensions and products.

PRICE: best quality/price ratio available.

EXCLUSIVITY: territorial exclusivity on SEISETA brand hair extensions and products.

ADVERTISING MATERIALS: full availability to expand branding for salons.

1 - during the purchase phase: we assist our partners in the phases of structuring purchases by recommending the products and choosing the most requested colors.
2 - in the resale phase: we assist our partners with immediate and direct support by offering continues education on our systems, hair quality and methods of applications.

ADVERTISING CONTRIBUTION: direct support on trade shows/exhibition and advertising trade magazines or other channels indicated by the selected partner.

WARRANTY: all our hair extension systems are completely Made in Italy to ensure the highest quality and durability.



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