How to take care of Hair Extensions: shampoo, styling, best products do and don’t

feb 8, 2021 / Hair Beauty Trends

hair extensions care

Great, you have your Hair Extensions on and your mirror says that you look at your best, but now your mind asks: can I brush my hair? Can I use oily products? Which hair products should I use to keep my human Hair Extensions silky and soft?

After you paid a lot for this kind of service it is usual to have all these questions blending in your brain, especially because maybe someone says to you that taking care of hair extensions is something hard to handle, but this isn’t the truth!
The longer you take care of your Hair Extensions and the best you’ll find your natural hair after removal
If you think that it is a myth to find your natural hair longer, stronger and fuller than before, it isn’t! Hair Extensions can really help to restore your natural hair, especially if you use chemical colors or stressful and extremely hot styling tools.
Hair Extensions don’t leave any damage on your natural hair if you look for a professional hair stylist for application and maintenance and follow basic rules in your ordinary hair care routine.

Hair Extensions Care Routine

Step 1: brush your Hair Extensions before you wash them

Even if everyone in general use to brush wet hair only, it’s extremely healthy for natural and Hair Extensions strands to be brushed before the shampoo routine. In this way you’ll brush less when they’re wet, avoiding to break too much hair in that step.
You must use hair brushes created properly for Hair Extensions, the most gentle on your hair, because any other not-specific brush doesn’t help to detangle without damaging your strands.

the best detangler hair brush for hair extensions

Step 2: how to wash Hair Extensions

One of the most frequent questions about Hair Extensions care is: Can I wash my hair everyday with extensions? And the answer is the same of when you're talking about your natural hair only.
It’s suggested to wash hair ⅔ times a week, not everyday, because you’ll always take care of your scalp and prevent dandruff and greasy hair. Don’t wash your hair with head down and use Hair Extensions Shampoo only because general products couldn’t be so gentle with your strand, especially with the roots of your strands that could be more or less delicate based on the system you have on (Tape, weft, keratin fusion, etc…).

the best hair shampoo for hair extensions silky and soft

Step 3: best products to have silky and soft Hair Extensions

After applying your specific shampoo you need to restore hydration in your natural hair and extensions, in this case don't entrust with conditioners for dry hair or other drugstore products, use only conditioners such as the one you find in SEISETA Hair Extensions Care that could help you to moisturize hair and preserve your Hair Extensions from discolorations, dryness and tangles. Stay away also from oily products that could destroy your extensions bonds, so be careful!

the best conditioner mask for hair extensions silky soft smooth

Step 4: do and don’t of drying Hair Extensions

First of all, when you have a towel on your hair don’t think to rub hair and towels, even if you use the most hair-friendly cloth because it is extremely damaging for both your hair and extensions. In the summertime it can happen that you leave to dry hair naturally, but this is something that you should avoid, because letting dry your hair with wind creates tangles and dry out them, and the sun too isn't a good friend for hair extensions color and hydration!
Don’t use your hair dryer too hot and be always gentle with your hair!

what you can do and do not with hair extensions on

Step 5: usage of flat irons and styling tools on Hair Extensions

You have longer and fuller hair with extensions on so you can try any king of styling, even using flat irons or hair brushes for beach waves or curly hair. If you can, don’t forget to always apply a thermal protector and don’t use these tools every single day!

the best thermal protector for hair extensions professional

Step 6: how to sleep with Hair Extensions

To prevent any damage to your amazing hair extensions make a braid or a ponytail before you go to sleep, in this way you’ll avoid hard detangling time the morning after and your hair will always look gorgeous!

Hair Extensions Maintenance at the salon

Based on the Hair Extensions System you have on you should schedule maintenance appointments with your hair stylist to replace or reapply strands. If you don’t forget to attend these special dates your hair extensions could last the longer they can! Some salons usually include ⅔ shampoo in the full service application, especially for systems that last for the longer period such as keratin fusion or weft.

hair extensions styling how to

Which products and situations you must to avoid with Hair Extensions

If the ordinary hair extensions care isn’t so different from who usually takes care of natural hair with love, there are some things you have to stay away from. One of the most dangerous things for hair extensions are chemicals, such as getting curly hair with chemical perm, or to stay too much time in a swimming pool without bonding your hair! Obviously, don’t think to do anything like to rip your hair strands, or to cut them without a professional hair stylist, because in this case if you damage your natural hair it will be just for your and only fault!

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